This book was written with the hope that it will help young people find their way through life seeking GOD'S good will
This book was written with the hope that it will help young people find their way through life seeking GOD'S good will
This book is meant to encourage kids to read the Bible on their own for themselves, and not let certain others convince them of what it says or doesn’t say. At the least, read enough of it so not to be easily influenced by Bible enthusiasts or cult leaders looking to use the Bible as a manipulation tool.
Yet, it is not always easy getting kids to venture into the Bible. This is the reason why The Bible is Broken Down was written in a unique fashion meant to make reading the Bible fun to read.
For example, chapter one, All About GOD, His Words, His Acts. . . it is the largest chapter in this book because it records all of GOD’s words, his acts, and his alone—no one else. This is where the fun begins.
In these two representations, example 1 and 2, notice the verses in Genesis, chapter 1, flow in chronological order, verse after verse, for several verses and chapters, because GOD is involved in each one of these verses.
In contrast, example #2, notice the verses in Genesis 18—some verses are missing. Why are they missing? This is where the fun in this particular chapter begins. It is a game similar to the games The Missing Link, Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy. First, ask yourself why the verses are missing, then fill in the missing verse(s) or missing words.
The other chapters in this book each have a unique style of game play of their own. For example, in the chapter, The Reason for Jesus, every single verse in the original Bible that gives a reason for Jesus is recorded in this chapter. Did the author find them all? Did the author get it right? After reading this chapter, no one should question again what the Bible says about the ‘the reason for Jesus.’ Look over all the reasons that are listed in this chapter, then conclude for yourself, the real reasons for Jesus.
Kids, everyone, have fun reading this book and the Bible, they will go with you through life hand-in-hand. Place this book, TBIBD, on your shelf or table next to your Bible or next to your bed and let life take care of itself!